Camp James Ray Trail to Troops #1
(formerly known as Webelos Woods)
Camp James Ray
September 27 - 29, 2024
Registration closes Friday, September 20 at 11:00 p.m.
All registrations must be done through Black Pug and late additions/substitutions or walk-ins are not permitted.
Trail To Troops (formally known as Webelos Woods) is an event for all Cub Scouts in Webelos and Arrow of Light dens (4th and 5th grades) to come enjoy the hands-on experiences and outdoor fun of Scouting.
Prospective Scouts (Grade 4 and 5 only): youth that have not registered with BSA. They will have the option to join the event Saturday and participate in all activities. Due to BSA policy rules, youth interested in joining scouting are allowed to attend for the day but are not allowed to camp overnight.
Food will NOT be provided for participants except for an ice cream social Saturday evening. Please plan to provide meals for your family or as a pack.
A BALOO trained leader for each Pack MUST be present for overnight camping. All YPT (Youth Protection Training) and cub camping rules per BSA policy must be followed at all times.